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Wearable Health Monitor: Track Fitness & Wellness


August 6, 2024


7 mins read



wearable health monitor

The World Of Digitized Health

Electronic gadgets have come a long way from their utopic inception. Now they’re an integral part of our lives. This penetration has occurred on every level - financial, social, personal, and now even health. With the advent of wearable health monitors, you can use them to enhance your fitness and well-being.

What is a Wearable Health Monitor?

The advent of wearable technology in healthcare began in the 21st century. First came wearable sensors like ECG and glucose (among others) to gauge a person’s vitals - especially those suffering from diabetes. Then wearable tech intersected with health and fitness, ushering in a new era of tracking well-being. Furthermore, their functionality has advanced rapidly from their early beginnings. When it comes to healthcare, it refers to devices that attach themselves to one’s body to fetch valuable data. The nature of said data is determined by the type of gadget that’s used by the concerned person. The data mined from these sources serves as useful information to doctors, healthcare providers, insurers, and other parties depending on the circumstances.

Types of Wearable Health Monitoring Devices

The rapidly advancing world has only constant - perpetual change. This concept applies to wearable health monitoring devices as much as anyone. There are various applications in the market today, each aimed towards a singular goal - the betterment of its owner’s health. Let’s take a deeper look into said variations.
  • Fitness Trackers: Their application may be different depending on the nature of the appliance. From wristwatches to chest bands, they are available in various shapes and sizes. However, their purpose remains the same - measuring heart rate, steps, and calories among other metrics. Moreover, modern versions can even monitor the sleep cycles and patterns of their owners. 
Modern pieces have a plethora of features, each mining rich, and specific data to record the wearer’s activity levels. These include using an accelerometer to count steps, a gyroscope to detect motion, and a PPG sensor to measure heart rate.  Additionally, measuring heart rates requires the tool to be near the skin to get accurate and reliable results. Once the data is collected, it reaches your phone, laptop, account, etc. for you to observe your records. This serves as guidance to improve your lifestyle, or take it to a professional for guidance.  
  • Smartwatches: Watches have gone through a tremendous transformation from their traditional versions to their modern counterparts. Not only can the latter perform many of the functions of a smartphone, but carves out its own space in the digital landscape as well. Though it’s important to note that smartwatches can only be connected via Bluetooth to your smartphones. The Wi-Fi function is not used for phone to watch connectivity; this feature allows for cloud sync if Bluetooth connection is not available.
Once this connection occurs, you can receive notifications and information on your wrist with ease. Additionally, it allows you access to numerous apps and features on your phone without using it. Lastly, recent models come equipped with GPS as well as integrated monitoring apps built-in the smartwatch. Making it an effective tool to keep your health in check.
  • Medical Wearables: Though fitness and well-being applications are important, you shouldn’t limit yourself. Innumerable devices out there provide insight into a specific part of your medical records. These include ECG, glucose, and other monitors. The former unearths valuable data about your heart rate using electrocardiograms. Meanwhile, the latter uses gadgets like Continuous Glucose Monitoring to keep an eye out for a diabetic person’s vitals.

Wearable Technology in Healthcare

Wearable technology like smartwatches, wristwatches, monitors, etc. has connected with various medical apparatuses. These include glucose, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. which results in further studies. This results in a comprehensive plan for a person’s well-being and fitness, as well as detecting any irregularity with their results. For example, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (GCM) provides real-time data on a person’s health. This is a priceless asset to diabetic patients. 

Key Features of Wearable Health Monitors

A wearable health monitor is equipped with various sensors that perform specific roles.
  1. GPS: For guidance, tracking, and location
  2. Gyroscope: Measuring orientation
  3. Heart Rate Monitor: Measuring heart rate
  4. Barometer: Measuring altitude and predicting weather
  5. Temperature sensor: Monitoring environment and body temperatures.
Moreover, modern gadgets come with the ability to store volumes of data and keep track of its origins. Moreover, it can perform various analytical tests to yield insightful results.

Examples of Smart Technology in Healthcare

The efficiency of Smart Technology meant it was integrated into the healthcare sector. Expectedly, it came to pass and various medical service providers started using it to better their performance and efficiency.  A prime example of this would be the Connected Emergency Response Solutions. This system allows you to program your wearable health monitor to share data with specific ambulances, first responders, doctors, and other healthcare service providers. This shortens the entire process by stripping away any needless buffer. This results in rapid communication and action. Whether you require a tutorial on the right code of procedure or need to contact your doctor, this system delivers. Moreover, high-risk patients can program it to send alerts to close contacts in case their vitals start dipping. Thus, it’s no exaggeration to say it may play a pivotal role in your survival.

Types of Medical Technology in Wearable Health Monitor

Various gadgets come equipped with biosensors to quantify valuable data regarding your health. Biosensors work by detecting and measuring biological signals of your body. They convert said signals into a measurable metric for a human to understand.  An example of this is calorie consumption monitors that keep track of calories a person has consumed. This helps keep in check your consumption and alerts you if your vitals start faltering. There has been much advancement in this area over the years. Not only is it necessary to widen the quantitative measures, but the precision and validity of its results too. Modern medical wearable technology not only covers a wider area but has advanced features to limit the chances of any tragedies.

Advantages of Using Wearable Health Monitors

The pros of using these devices are manifold. For simplicity, we will only limit it to a few examples to give a glimpse of its range.
  • Convenient: Its mobile and lightweight disposition makes it an excellent option for people on the go. It’s mobile and wearing it doesn’t take a toll on your body.
  • Increased Efficiency Professionally: The beauty of these monitors exceeds past your health and into other aspects of your life. Moreover, efficiency isn’t affected by any sickness or lethargy absences.
  • Better Health: First and foremost, it is paramount that each of us take care of ourselves. It enriches our lives as well as those around us. Taking steps towards that goal yields bountiful dividends in both the long and short run.

Challenges and Considerations

Having sung wearable health monitor’s praises, it’s important to mention that these advancements are not completely perfect. Here are some of its drawbacks.
  • Privacy Breaches: The increasingly digitized world doesn’t mean there aren’t any threats. Cyberattacks have become more common than ever before, even after the passing of many regulations. Since data has become more valuable than oil, protecting it is more important than ever before. Yet, since most data from these devices use cloud storage systems, they are susceptible to attacks.
  • Unreliable Results: Granted, this department has had several breakthroughs to ensure accurate data. It’s still a machine capable of erring, just like humans. That’s why it becomes necessary to take precautions before making any major medical decision based solely on the result of these gadgets.

The Future of Wearable Health Monitors

All in all, the big picture here is that wearable health monitors have revolutionized the industry. What’s more encouraging is that it shows no signs of stopping. More advanced and precise versions become inevitable, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. In time, it will likely alter the healthcare and wellness landscape for the better. Ensuring patients receive prompt and comprehensive treatment.


In summation, a wearable health monitor is no mere accessory. Rather, it is a crucial aspect of leading a rich and healthy life in today’s world. With its innumerable features and convenience, it’s likely to become a staple in every household around the world.
